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Copy-paste Synthesis of 3D Geometry with Repetitive Patterns

Shigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen and Takeo Igarashi

We propose a new copy-paste user interface for 3D geometry based on repetitive patterns. The system, guided by the user, analyzes patterns of repetition in the source geometry and then pastes the geome- try while increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions using scaling and deformation, which is controlled by two freehand strokes called han- dles. The system has two main advantages over existing methods: the entire copy-paste operation is controlled by the userfs stroke input and thus can be specified easily without explicitly adjusting the parameters, and splitting the shape information into source geometry and handles can not only significantly reduce the amount of data required but also quickly change a scenefs appearance while keeping its structure consis- tent.

BibTex entry:

  author    = {Shigeru Owada and Frank Nielsen and Takeo Igarashi,
  title     = {Copy-paste Synthesis of 3D Geometry with Repetitive Patterns},
  booktitle = {Smart Graphics},
  year      = {2006}

Last updated, September 2006.